There are 2 kinds of accounts

There are 2 kinds of accounts:

Saving Checking

Data • ID

• Name

• Balance

• Interest rate

• Minimum requirement • ID

• Name

• Balance

• Monthly fee

Operations 1 Display info

2 Deposit cash

3 Transfer to checking account

4 Interest calculation for current month 1 Display info

2 Deposit cash

3 Transfer to saving account

When the program starts, initialize several accounts for testing. Provide menu like interface to enable all supported operations above (in menu, ask user for account ID to determine the operating account). Save all account objects in arrays. At least one level of inheritance is needed in your class design. Polymorphism’s correct usage will earn extra credit. In your main program, you also should be able to:

• Display information of all accounts belonging to one customer

• Calculate overall balance of one customer